Hack4reSTART Torino (online participation)

02/23/2023 15:00 to 02/24/2023 16:00 (Europe/Tallinn)

Hack4reSTART Torino (online participation)

Keynote speeches and targeted meetings to explore collaborations, projects and develop roadmaps.

Working groups on digitalization for manufacturing, keynote speech and targeted meetings to explore collaborations, projects and develop roadmaps.

Plenary session: 2 Keynote talks about visions and trends on cybersecurity. Register HERE

Meetings with experts for roadmap development for specific digitalisation needs and Funding opportunities for Manufacturing technology projects. 

Matchmaking event that brings together companies (manufacturing and ICT companies) from a large number of European countries. This is a unique opportunity to generate new business contacts and partnerships. The model is time - and cost efficient! Meetings will take place online from 23/02 to 10/03 and will be arranged in advance by means of this website.

Why participate?

  • As a Manufacturing Company - tackle your challenges and new ideas for optimising, digitalising and rendering for efficient your company; find qualified European suppliers and meet tech experts that can assist you in developing a tailored technology roadmap.

  • As a Technology Company - find partners to discuss new technology and innovative solutions

  • As a Digitalisation Expert / Research Center / Other - participate to interesting working groups and find partners to discuss new technology and innovative solutions

More information: https://hack4restart-torino.b2match.io/page-2241


From 02/23/2023 15:00
To 02/24/2023 16:00